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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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Opinion >  Guest Opinion

Kara Odegard: A state with a plan, not a ban

My mom grew up in Glenrose, and she tells this story of her brothers waking up on winter mornings with black soot around their nostrils. Her brothers slept in the basement a few feet from the coal furnace, which emitted soot particles that my uncles would breathe in during the night. Thirty-some years later, my sister and I would sleep in that same basement when visiting my grandparents, but we did not wake up with soot on our faces. My grandparents had updated to an electric furnace.
Opinion >  Guest Opinion

Wendy Powers and Derek Sandison: As Farm Bill talks continue, look to Washington’s contributions to food production, safety and security

From the iconic apples of Wenatchee to the rich wines of Walla Walla, Washington’s agricultural prowess extends far beyond local farmers’ markets. Our farms and ranches feed millions and contribute to food security and safety in an ever-changing global landscape, underscoring the critical need for a robust and inclusive Farm Bill to support this essential industry.
Opinion >  Guest Opinion

Mike Fancher, Robert McClure and Colette Weeks: ‘Legislative privilege’ goes against the ideals of open government

Washington House Speaker Laurie Jinkins has been the chief proponent of the claim that Washington legislators are entitled to a personal “legislative privilege” that allows them to conceal some records that would otherwise be public. But the Tacoma Democrat is avoiding testifying in court about how that so-called privilege would work.
Opinion >  Guest Opinion

Bryan Toston and Jason Stock : The American Privacy Rights Act holds promise – and significant perils – for small businesses

At last, Congress has produced a national data privacy bill, the American Privacy Rights Act. As the owners of a Spokane-based software firm and small business marketing agency, we see bill as a step in the right direction. We’ve advocated for a national privacy law for several years, and even recently met with Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., to express our opinion. Ideally, such legislation would offer consumers meaningful privacy protection and small businesses clear, comprehensive rules to help them thrive in today’s digital economy.